company profile

Minoru Tomita

President and COO, Tomita Co., Ltd.

Ever since tomita was founded in May 1911 it hass been providing tools. It has never changed its basis business of providing our customers with the products they need, regardless of the many economic fluctuations and social changes we have faced over the years. In order to meet the diversifying needs of our customers, we have transformed our business to include more advanced products and have continued to grow. Today the range or products and services includes machine tools, forming machinery, injection molding machines, specilized machine tools, system machinery (both hardware and software) including automated assembly and tooling equipment, measuring instruments, cutting tools, a wide range of production assets including environmental equipment, MRO (maintenance, repair and operation) products, and assisting our customers in machining the parts that they require.

We were one of the first Japanese companies to respond to the hollowing of the domestic manufacturing industry and globalizing economy, and currently have 13 domestic offices and 16 overseas offices in nine countries (the United States, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India and China) through which we are proactively developing our global business. The Japanese economy continues to face difficult conditions, but technological innovation in manufacturing will continue to accelerate and the world will only keep globalizing.

Tomita will always be among the first to acquire information about such trends. We will further develop our overseas business. In order to meet the more advanced and diversified globalized needs of our customers, we will evolve our products, proposals and services to a higher level through means such as providing production lines and other systems by entering business tie-ups with local engineering companies. We shall also meet the needs of our users by developing multiple outlets in China, Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand and India.

Each and every one of Tomita’s employees hopes to assist our customers and continue to transform and develop our company by “Providing our customers with value-added products and services.”
We hope that you will think of Tomita for your production machinery needs and we ask for your continued patronage.